oma seattle library
Having feedback from James, Jonathan Ive's office should be more simple.
I have reconsidered the office shape to be overlapping with different rectangular forms and the shifts of forms would be the intersection and movements which Ive is merging with art and technology.
The whole building would be like a sculpture tracking the transformative movements.
Simplicity does make Architecture.
James had suggested me to consider more about the landscape of Times Squares. During class, I tried to rebuild a rough site. The proportion of buildings, roads and empty place was better than my previous one. And James had suggested me to have me site more likely to Times Squares with the layout of streets. And so I rebuilt it after class, and trying to study more about the site.
Simplicity does make Architecture.
James had suggested me to consider more about the landscape of Times Squares. During class, I tried to rebuild a rough site. The proportion of buildings, roads and empty place was better than my previous one. And James had suggested me to have me site more likely to Times Squares with the layout of streets. And so I rebuilt it after class, and trying to study more about the site.